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Parental Guide to Online Safety

Below are  four simple steps you can follow to make talking online safety with your child a breeze! 

1. Talk to your child regularly about what they’re doing online and how to stay safe. Let them know they can come to you or another trusted adult if they’re feeling worried or upset by anything they have seen. 

2. Explore your child’s online activities together. Understand why they like playing certain games and make sure they know what they can do to keep themselves safe.

3. Agree your own rules as a family when using sites, apps and games. 

4. Manage your technology and use the settings available to keep your child safe. 

Useful Websites to Help with Parental Online Safety

If you are a parent or carer, please click on the logos below to find some useful information for supporting your children at home.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre is part of the police force and provides news and articles surrounding internet safety.

Thinkuknowprovides guidance on internet safety and safe surfing for young people and their parents/ carers.

NSPCC Online Safety Information for Parents

The NSPCC and O2 website gives valuable information regarding social media and helps you to understanding the different apps that your child may be using. 

Useful Videos to Help Parents with Online Safety for Children

Three Tips for Parents to Start Online Safety

Seven Tips for Parents to Keep Children Safe When Using Social Media

How to Set Parental Controls

How to Keep Children Safe When Gaming

Please see below more information relating to online safety. There are guides for parents on apps and social media that children are accessing. 

We promote online safety throughout our curriculum in school and hold parent sessions about how to know what your child is doing online.

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