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Information for Parents

Welcome to the section of the website for parents. Our aim is to make this a useful tool. We hope that you will use it regularly to check what is going on at Hazelbury. Please click on the links on the left for helpful parent information. 

Please find below the document that parents sign annually at our parent consultation evening. This is an agreement between the school, child and parent about the commitments that they make towards the pupil's education. 

Please see below a Jargon Buster to help aid understanding of terms used in education. 

DfE - Department for Education

Early Years - Terrific Twos, Nursery and Reception

ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages

FSM - Free School Meals

KS1 - Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

KS2 - Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

MFL - Modern Foreign Languages

NC - the National Curriculum introduced in 2014 (see linkfor more information)

Non-PP - not Pupil Premium children (see definition for PP below)

Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

PE - Physical Education

PP - Pupil Premium children 

SPaG- Spelling, punctuation and grammar test