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Our world is ever changing; our geography curriculum reflects this.

It aims to enhance children’s naturally inquisitive minds; encouraging them to reflect deeply and broadly about themselves, others and the wider world. It will develop their curiosity and awareness that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

As our pupils progress, we hope that they grow into well-equipped citizens, who are both knowledgeable and empathetic about the world around them, with an understanding of key geographical concepts and skills and an awareness of the connections that exist between people and places. This will contribute to the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Through the promotion of pupil voice and choice, pupils will be encouraged to communicate geographically, therefore becoming more independent and responsible for their learning and be able to communicate it in a range of ways.


Our curriculum encourages investigative and enquiry-based learning. It enables pupils to learn a range of skills and provides opportunities to experience their local environment, their community, as well as understanding global issues around the world. Teaching will highlight the importance of global warming, climate change and food waste, and invite children to delve into current affairs. 

Geography has been mapped to ensure clear progression throughout the whole school. It is based around four concepts: Investigating Locations and Places, Investigating Patterns, Interpreting a Range of Geographical Information & Experiencing Fieldwork, and Communicating Geographically.

Teachers ensure pupils:

  • investigate patterns and make comparisons between different countries, using their locational and place knowledge
  • interpret, discuss and use a variety of geographical sources, such as maps, atlases, globes, aerial photographs
  • can empathise with people that are affected by both local and global issues
  • are given opportunities for outdoor exploration to make relatable connections between their learning in the classroom and real-life experiences outside
  • understand and can confidently use a range of geographical vocabulary

Through the teaching of the understanding of the world, relevant links are made across the curriculum with science and PSHCE.



Our children have an awareness and respect for their local community, the wider world and understand their role as model citizens of tomorrow. They are more equipped ready to navigate the world in which they live in more confidently.



Our pupils’ personal development and their impact on the world around them matter significantly. We meet the needs of our local context and therefore we ensure learning experiences relate to our pupils and is purposeful and practical. Opportunities are planned for the children to learn about gardening, global warming, and recycling as well as supporting charities which may be linked to these issues. These opportunities enable the development of lifelong skills.

The link to mental wellbeing is addressed through our Edible Playground which increases pupil confidence and self-esteem.  Outdoor (nature focussed) activities allow children to connect with nature and therefore cultivates attentiveness and self-reliance. This leads to more sustainable behaviours in their future.  

Where possible trips are planned to support pupil understanding and fieldwork.